Hi Lucia,

How should I deal with a woman who is always late? We met online and immediately hit it off. However, she was 30 minutes late for our first date, and continues to be between 15-20 minutes late for our dates. We've been dating for a month. J.A.


Hi J.A.,

As someone who appreciates punctuality, I feel for you.

When someone is late the first time, I usually say, “Thanks for being on time” in a lighthearted tone. That way you let them know being punctual is important, without making a big deal out of it.

If someone is continually late, then either plan to be ready 30 minutes later than they said they would arrive or tell them to arrive 30 minutes earlier. If you are meeting them somewhere, you always have the option of leaving after 15 minutes. Actions speak louder than words, and it just may be the wakeup call they need.

If none of those options seem appealing to you, then you may have to bring it up to her and see if she improves. If she's not willing to be more punctual, then you will have to ask yourself if you're willing to date someone who is always late.