Dear Lucia,

I've had it bad for a particular young lady for quite some time now. Her ex-boyfriend recently ended their relationship. Sure enough, less than a week passed and she called me. We went on to have two weeks of bliss. That all came to a screeching halt when I got the "It's not my ex, it's the feel of being in a relationship" line and that she needed to deal with that.

She told me she did not want to nurse a relationship with another relationship and that she is actually looking out for me in all this, telling me she did not want me to be a rebound guy. If she needs time for her, I am more than glad to give her that or whatever she needs. The conversation was cloaked with high hopes of us having a real shot at a relationship which made me feel better about the situation.

However, after seeing her the other day, and her mentioning the ex more than once and hearing "Don't let me stand in the way of you seeing someone else" you smell what I smell? Any advice? Brad


Hi Brad,

When someone has just gotten out of a relationship, they often seek to get over the pain by jumping into something else. Few people are enlightened enough to take time to heal between relationships when there is the possibility of being with someone else who has piqued their interest.

The only reason she said she did not want to "nurse another relationship" is because she is currently not that into you. She still hasn't gotten over her ex, and that's understandable, since the breakup was so recent.  My advice: Move on.  If she's interested down the road, she knows where to find you.